Colonic Hydrotherapy
Colonic hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method for cleansing the colon. Waste material is removed by repeated, gentle flushing with water. Nutritional and general lifestyle advice is also provided with each session if required.

During the treatment we do various things like change water temperature, perform abdominal massage, and use heatpads depending on your needs to maximise its efficacy.
All these actions contribute to dislodging stubborn faecal matter, gas, and clean out and reeducate the bowels.
Cleanse from within...
Over the years, our bodies build up toxic waste, due to the lifestyles we live and the food and drink we consume. Storing this toxic waste in our body is not ideal, and can lead to many health problems further down the line.
What are the benefits of Colonic Hydrotherapy?
As we’ve previously mentioned, people seek out colon cleansing for a whole host of different reasons. It could be that you’re experiencing certain health issues related to a poorly functioning colon, and this is your chance to rectify it. Alternatively, you’ve heard the health benefits associated with colon cleansing and want to try it out.
Successful colon cleansing has been proven effective for people suffering with the following conditions:

Colonic Hydrotherapy
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), the treatment has helped to show signs of improvement from symptoms such as constipation, abdominal bloating and trapped gases associated with the condition. As colonic hydrotherapy is a completely safe and natural way of removing substance build-up, there’s no need to worry that the treatment may interfere with the body’s natural processes.

Colonic Hydrotherapy
Skin Improvements
Skin improvements are greatly noticed with the results of colonic hydrotherapy. With the skin being the largest organ in the body, it can get overwhelmed with all of the waste and toxins building up in the colon which can eventually manifest itself in the form of acne or a dull complexion. By flushing out all of these toxins, there’s less chance of this happening.

Colonic Hydrotherapy
Fatigue & Depression
Colonic hydrotherapy can have great results for people suffering with chronic fatigue and depression. By cleansing the body internally, it has a positive effect on the mind and has proved to alleviate stress and make you feel healthier due to a reduced number of toxins in the body.

Colonic Hydrotherapy
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), the treatment has helped to show signs of improvement from symptoms such as constipation, abdominal bloating and trapped gases associated with the condition. As colonic hydrotherapy is a completely safe and natural way of removing substance build-up, there’s no need to worry that the treatment may interfere with the body’s natural processes.

Colonic Hydrotherapy
Skin Improvements
Skin improvements are greatly noticed with the results of colonic hydrotherapy. With the skin being the largest organ in the body, it can get overwhelmed with all of the waste and toxins building up in the colon which can eventually manifest itself in the form of acne or a dull complexion. By flushing out all of these toxins, there’s less chance of this happening.

Colonic Hydrotherapy
Fatigue & Depression
Colonic hydrotherapy can have great results for people suffering with chronic fatigue and depression. By cleansing the body internally, it has a positive effect on the mind and has proved to alleviate stress and make you feel healthier due to a reduced number of toxins in the body.
How does Colon Hydrotherapy work?