Some fat deposits are often impossible to shift even with a well-balanced diet and exercise regime. Fat deposits commonly occur on parts of the body such as the chin, referred to as “double-chin”, hips, stomach, or flabby thighs.
Lipolysis is a non-surgical fat dissolving treatment that targets stubborn fat deposits. This treatment won’t necessarily reduce the number on your scale but will help you achieve a more contoured body when combined with a strict workout regime, clean nutritional plan, and drinking plenty of water.
Our very own Dr. Bassant Morsy, Cosmetic Dermatologist at The Elixir Clinic in Abu Dhabi, answers the most frequently asked questions about this treatment. Watch the video to learn more about Lipolysis.
قم بقراءة مقالنا للمزيد من المعلومات حول هذا العلاج مع الدكتورة باسنت مرسي وشاهد الفيديو .لاكتشاف كيف يتم حقن حقن إذابة الدهون و إجرائات العلاج قراءة المزيد

How Does Lipolysis Work?
Lipolysis uses a combination of active ingredients injected safely and effectively using a micro-needle to eliminate small, stubborn pockets of fat which resist controlled diet and exercise.
The effects are long-lasting and best results can be achieved with post-treatment maintenance that includes a healthy clean diet, daily exercise regime, and skin tightening treatments such as our BTL Exilis Ultra™ 360 machine.
The BTL Exilis Ultra™ 360 combines radio-frequency and ultrasound to precisely tighten skin with no downtime. This treatment is recommended before your Lipolysis sessions for maximum results. Discover how this treatment works: SKIN TIGHTENING AT ELIXIR
Which Areas Can Be Treated?
This treatment is quite effective in areas where smaller fat deposits collect such as:

How Many Sessions Are Required? When Can I Notice Results?
For Lipolysis, we recommend four to six sessions every 2 weeks and will be dependent on the area being treated.
Results may be noticed immediately after the first session but it varies from one client to another. Other factors in results being noticed are the amount of fat deposit in the area and how the client’s body reacts to the product.
On average, results are noticed after the third session, while others notice results after their third session. Best results can be achieved when combined with exercise and diet, in addition to combining with treatments such as body skin tightening.

What Would I Feel During the Procedure?
During the procedure, there is minimal pain or discomfort at the points of injection; varies for each client and their level of tolerance to pain.
Do Any Risks Exist With the Lipolysis Treatment?
The risks are extremely low in comparison to surgical liposuction, and even bruising and swelling are far more common during surgical liposuction.
During the consultation, prior to the procedure and upon completion of treatment, clients are always advised on all potential post-treatment side effects such as potential swelling, warm sensation in areas of the injection site, bruising, itching, and discomfort or sensitivity to pressure. Most side effects, if any, will usually resolve within 3- 5 days post-treatment.
Is There Any Downtime Associated With This Treatment?
There is no down-time with Lipolysis when compared to surgical liposuction. Downtime varies on the area of treatment, for example in areas such as the abdomen, hips, back, or arms exercise can be resumed immediately after treatment.
Certain areas may cause more swelling than others but it always varies from one client to another.
Does This Treatment Help Reduce Cellulite?
Yes, fat dissolving injections can help reduce cellulite by firming the skin but this will all depend on the post-care maintenance.
How Much Does This Treatment Cost?
Treatment costs vary for each client as it is dependent on the area and size being treated. For more information on pricing, we recommend booking a consultation at one of our branches nearest to you.
Book an appointment at one of our branches
The Elixir Clinic – Abu Dhabi: +971566853925
The Elixir Clinic – Dubai: +971566853925
The Elixir Clinic – London: +44 20 74869748